Who Buys a Steel Building Online?

Let your customers start shopping for a steel building online with Easy Building Designer.

In 1995 a company called Amazon opened a bookstore and changed the way we buy books. 

In 2007 a company called Netflix changed the way we watch movies and TV shows. 

In 2013 a company called Door Dash changed how we order take out. 

And in 2020 a company called Zoom – and a friggin’ virus – changed how we do meetings. 

That’s all very well and good, but something will never change. Like the way people buy buildings. People do not buy buildings online. They want to meet with you. They want to sit down, face to face, in your office or theirs. That’s never going to change, right? 

Sorry to say, that’s not the trend. As businesses made it easy to buy everything online, people became accustomed to, well, buying everything online. 

People browse the Internet before they shop for anything. 

They want to become informed before they buy. 

They want to buy with a click of the button on their laptop in their breakfast nook over coffee. 

The Internet gives your potential customers the opportunity to learn their options and compare prices. It saves them time because they don’t have to visit one showroom or another before they make a choice. And they’re not just using it to order Popeyes chicken sandwiches and used cars. They’re using the Internet to buy steel buildings. 

E-commerce is growing for business to business and business to consumer sales. 

76% of those shoppers want to compare two or more products. 

When they do reach out, they want a reply from you in less than one day. 

We get it. You sell buildings the way people have always sold buildings. Face to face. In the office. You do the back and forth, sorting out what the customer wants over days and weeks before you design the layout, create the material list, and get a quote. 

You’re happy. Business is steady. You have more business than you want. You don’t need the Internet. 

Here’s the inconvenient truth: someone in your neighborhood is using the Internet to sell buildings. Maybe more than one. Sooner or later, as more customers move online, they will cut in to your business. 

Easy Building Designer can do more than help you keep up with the e-commerce guys. It can put you ahead. Your designer can be open for business in minutes and fully customized within an hour. 

Our clients tell us that Easy Building Designer weeds out the tire kickers and provides better quality leads. A customer who took the time to design a building has a vested interest in that design. And, if you enable the new price estimation feature, every lead coming in will have reviewed an initial cost. 

If they click the Request a Quote button, odds are good they are very serious! 

With Easy Building Designer filtering your leads, you can spend more time in the field building and less time hemming and hawing with less serious buyers. You’ll improve sales without spending more on a sales staff. You’ll spend less time selling and more time building. 

Easy Building Designer costs you nothing to try. We’ll give you 30 days to use it for free. To keep the leads coming, simply add a credit card, and you’re good to go.

Click here to try Easy Building Designer for free!

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