Steeling Bourbon: The New Trend in Rickhouses

Using steel buildings to age bourbon.

Drive through the hills of Kentucky and in between the horse farms you’ll see the rickhouses, massive wooden structures housing thousands of barrels of bourbon. No one makes bourbon like they do in Kentucky. The limestone springs provide the perfectly purified water that you cannot find anywhere else in the world.  Look a little closer, […]

Giving Your Barn Purpose

A barn has no sense of awareness. It does not contemplate its own existence. It does not know, nor does it need to know, its reason for being. Barns, even those made of steel, are inanimate objects. They have no pulse. They have no consciousness. They are incapable of considering the deep questions that plague […]

Keeping It Cozy: An Insulation Checklist

Some folks love the pitter patter of rain on a metal roof. To them, it’s a soothing sound, the kind that can help you feel drowsy and drift off to sleep.  Other people? Other people find the banging of rain on the hard, steel surface of their metal roof to be maddening, the kind of […]

Designing with Mezzanines

Cold Formed Steel building interior with a partial mezzanine.

The Easy Building Designer allows you to add a mezzanine to a building. Mezzanines are especially practical for barndominiums, barns, and storage lofts, any place where you might need a second story or additional storage space. It’s important to have a plan for your mezzanine before you do the engineering on your building, as your […]

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