So Easy to Say Goodbye: Tips for Closing Your Building Project

Seems like it was only a few weeks ago you were strangers. All you knew about your new companion was what you had read on a set of plans. Now, it’s become a part of your life. You’ve grown accustomed to its shape, acclimated to its colors. You know every piece of trim, every bolt […]

New Feature: Link to Templates in EBD

Our developers are working hard to add new, requested features to the Easy Building Designer. This month, one of those requested features went live. You can now create direct links to specific Templates in the Easy Building Designer. For dealers who sell specific-sized buildings, this is a game changer. Instead of having customers start from […]

Who Buys a Steel Building Online?

Let your customers start shopping for a steel building online with Easy Building Designer.

In 1995 a company called Amazon opened a bookstore and changed the way we buy books.  In 2007 a company called Netflix changed the way we watch movies and TV shows.  In 2013 a company called Door Dash changed how we order take out.  And in 2020 a company called Zoom – and a friggin’ […]

Face to Face with EBD

One of the best things about Easy Building Designer is the time savings for you and your customer. Easy Building Designer eliminates the need for coordinating schedules. It cuts out the time spent going back and forth getting all the details right.  Your customer designs their building on their time. You respond on yours. It’s […]

Solar Panels: Let the Sun Shine!

We’ve got exciting news. We’ve added a new building “prop” to the Easy Building Designer: Solar panels!  When your customers access your branded Easy Building Designer, they’ll see a new option added to the Props Menu. Click on the Rooftop Solar Tab, select the style of solar panel desired, and place it on the building […]

3 Ways to Approach 2024

New year, new you. That’s not just a cliche for personal improvement. It’s a mission statement for every business come January 2. (We’ll give you a pass for not jumping back on the job New Year’s Day.) If you’re like us, you’ve been reading up on what’s trending for the new year. We’ve noticed a […]

“Let Me Know When You Can Do Post Frame”

“I wish you had timber as an option.” “Can I use this to let people design wood frame buildings?” “What about wood?” “Are there plans to add post frame?” “Let me know when you have timber.” To everyone who liked Easy Building Designer but wished it had post frame… your wish has come true. Easy […]

Lead Generation Made Harder

Easy Building Designer is easy to use. It’s easy to set up, and it makes accumulating new leads very easy. Your Easy Building Designer is available 24 hours a day for PC, mobile, and even Mac. Potential customers use the 3D building modeler to design their perfect building. They submit their information. It arrives in […]

Your Customer Doesn’t Want To Talk To You

Easy Building Designer is perfect for customers who want to buy a building but do not want to talk to you. They design on their time. You respond on yours. Everybody’s happy.

Claim Your Free Trial

We know that once you start using Easy Building Designer you won’t look back. If you want to try it for free for the first month, let us know and we will get you a discount code that you can use straight away!